The Future of the Foundational Model of Anatomy
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Date: November 12-13, 2009
Venue: Stanford University
Organizers: Onard Mejino, Natasha Noy, Alan Ruttenberg
Thursday, November 12
- 8:30 Welcome - Mark Musen, Barry Smith, Cornelius Rosse
- 9:00 Short introductions by participants
- 9:15 Objectives of the FMA group for the meeting - Jim Brinkley
- 9:30 Presentation by FMA group explaining semantics, deficiencies in
current representation, questions and targets for OWL (Onard and Cornelius)
- 11:00 Requirements brought in from OBO Foundry/Semweb (Alan)
- 11:15 The FMA and its ontological commitment(s) (Stefan)
Review and discussion of current approaches
- 11:30 Current approaches to translation - Christine Golbreich
- 12:05 Current approaches to translation - Natasha Noy
- 12:40 Lunch
- 1:30 Current approaches to translation - Chris Mungall
- 2:10 Introduction to OWL 2 and its features - Uli Sattler
- 2:50 Break
- 3:15 Who's using FMA, and how? - Onard Mejino
- 3:45 Presentation of specific challenges - Onard Mejino
- 4:15 Single/Multiple inheritance and inferred hierarchies
Problem: Single inheritance hierarchy prohibits multi-supertype assignments. Examples: - primary incisor tooth can be a subtype of either incisor tooth or primary tooth - right female breast can be a subtype of female breast or right breast - proximal phalanx of thumb can be a subtype of either phalanx of thumb or proximal phalanx of finger - question: can OWL automatically infer one of the supertypes in the inferred hierarchy
Friday, November 13
- 9:00
Representation of different contexts using the same relation.
Examples: - prostate can be regionally subdivided into different parts using different contexts; a. classically into anterior lobe, median lobe, right lateral lobe, left lateral lobe and posterior lobe b. histologically into peripheral zone, central zone, transition zone, and peri-urethral zone c. surgically into right median lobe, left median lobe, right lateral lobe, left lateral lobe, right dorsal lobe and left dorsal lobe - heart can subdivided into different contexts: Right side and left side Biatrial part and biventricular part T7, T8, T9, T10 parts These are all valid regional parts
- 9:45 Review of relations and their usage.
- Axiomization - Use of Attributed/reified relationships - Are they necessary? - If necessary how to represent them in OWL
- 10:30 Break
- 11:00 Post-Coordination
- 11:45 What can be inferred? Quality assurance - error and consistency checks
12:30 Lunch
Moving forward
- 1:30 Review of goals and outlines of possible solutions - Jim Brinkley
- 2:00 Technical methods to achieve interoperability and orthogonality:
- 2:10 OWL Modularity – Uli Sattler
- 2:20 Ontology views – Todd Detwiler
- 2:30 Cross-references and semantic web linking methods – Alan Ruttenberg
- 3:00 Break
- 3:30-5:00 Discussion, action items, and future plans – Jim Brinkley, Alan Ruttenberg, Olivier Bodenreider
- 5:00 Closing remarks Cornelius Rosse, Mark Musen, Barry Smith