Conference Call Agendas
Conference Call Agendas
April 12
1. CTO Working Group (WG) Organization
- a. Are current assignments acceptable?
- b. Need a secretary
- c. Responsibilities
- d. Schedule of calls
2. Development and WG policies in general
- a. Draft metadata and CTO check-out policies
- b. CTO WG membership policy
3. Ontology Organization
- a. Relationship with the BFO
- b. Relationship with the OBI
4. CTO scope
- a. Definition of the CTO domain
- b. Relationship with other ontologies
5. CTO development approach (with deadlines and milestones)
- a. Proposed steps
- term list assembly
- term list merging
- term positioning into branches
- term CTO definition
- b. Goals for completion by May 16th
- c. Managing discussion threads
6. Information objects as dependent continuants (if time)
April 19
1. Ontology of Biomedical Investigation
- a. Overview of OBI core (Fostel, tentative)
2. CTO development approach (with deadlines and milestones)
- a. Goals for completion by May16th
- b. Status of proposed steps
- term list assembly
- term list merging
- term positioning into branches
- term CTO definition
3. High level term branches
4. Others