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[[Category:NCBO Virtual Appliance]]
The NCBO Virtual Appliance has been updated to use NCBO's new v4.0 software infrastructure, including the use of an RDF triplestore as the primary data storage mechanism. Please read below as much of the Appliance workflow has changed.
[[Category:Migrated to GitHub]]
For documentation of v1.0 Virtual Appliances, please see our [http://www.bioontology.org/wiki/index.php?title=Category:NCBO_Virtual_Appliance&oldid=12610 archive].
'''''Most of this content has been moved!''''' Please find the new content for the 3.0 version of the Virtual Appliance at our new '''[https://ontoportal.github.io/administration/ OntoPortal Virtual Appliance Administration pages]'''.  
== Virtual Appliance Basics ==
== OntoPortal Virtual Appliance Version 3.0 is here! ==
The NCBO Virtual Appliance image contains a pre-installed, pre-configured version of commonly-used open source NCBO software running on a Linux operating system.  
We are pleased to softly announce our soft release of the OntoPortal Virtual Appliance version 3.0 (3.0.1, to be precise).
It is available as a VMWare Virtual Appliance OVF as well as Amazon AWS AMI and can be obtained by contacting support@bioontology.org.
This release includes lots of new capabilities, one of which involves licensing. The good news is that you can download and get started with your Virtual Appliance right away—no need to wait for us to give you access to the right page.  
The following software is included on the image as of v2.2:
In order to do this, we had to implement licensing for BioPortal. Most users will find it trivial to obtain a free license, but for commercial users we are evaluating whether license fees could make BioPortal more sustainable.
* Ontologies API (REST service)
* Annotator
* Recommender
* BioPortal Web User Interface (including ontology visualization, widgets, biomixer, and Annotator UI)
Please see below for how-to documentation for managing the software and running data population for Annotator.
To learn more about the new OntoPortal Virtual Appliance release, visit our [https://ontoportal.github.io/administration/steps/getting_started/ Getting Started] page.
You may also want to visit our [https://ontoportal.github.io/administration/ OntoPortal Administration Guide],
including the [https://ontoportal.github.io/administration/general/ General Introduction], [https://ontoportal.github.io/administration/general/licensing/ Licensing],  and [https://ontoportal.github.io/administration/steps/ Installation] sections.
== Getting Started ==
== Virtual Appliance Administration Documentation: Moved to GitHub ==
* To obtain the Virtual Appliance, contact [mailto:support@bioontology.org NCBO Support] and include your BioPortal account username. You can create a BioPortal account at: http://bit.ly/bioportal-account
* The download is provided as a tar archive containing several files. One of these is an Open Virtualization Format (OVF) file that may need to be [http://www.bioontology.org/wiki/index.php/Virtual_Appliance_FAQ#How_can_I_use_the_OVF_image_with_my_virtualization_software.3F_.28VMWare.2C_VirtualBox.2C_KVM.2C_Xen.2C_etc.29 converted to work in your virtualization environment].
* You can supply the hostname (machine name) for the virtual machine during the deployment process. Documentation will refer to this hostname as 'example'.
* '''Change default passwords'''
** Operating System
*** Username: <code>root</code>
*** Password: password is prompted on the first boot
** BioPortal Admin User
*** Username: <code>admin</code>
*** Password: <code>changeme</code>
* Add an ontology using the BioPortal Admin User here: http://{YourDomainName}/ontologies/new
** The ncbo_cron project is configured to automatically process new ontologies every 5 minutes (see [http://www.bioontology.org/wiki/index.php/Virtual_Appliance_FAQ#When_are_new_ontologies_parsed.3F documentation for enabling the scheduler]). This processing includes:
*** Parsing any new, unparsed ontologies
*** Calculating a set of metrics for these ontologies
*** Indexing these ontologies for use with search
*** Processing the ontology for use with the annotator
* REST services are available at the following location:
** http://example:8080
** http://example:8080/documentation
== System Requirements ==
Our Administration documentation for the OntoPortal Virtual Appliance has been moved to the GitHub pages document at https://ontoportal.github.io/administration/.
The following requirements are for the resources that you devote to your Appliance instance, not for the machine running your host environment. For example, if you are using a system with 4GB of RAM, then you will need to devote all of that RAM to your guest Appliance.
'''Note: these requirements are for basic usage'''. System requirements will vary greatly depending on the size of the ontologies you work with, the number of ontologies in the system, and the number of concurrent requests that the system needs to respond to. It can also vary depending on how the ontologies are used. For example, the search index can be RAM-intensive but parsing ontologies can be CPU-intensive. You will need to experiment with your Appliance resource settings to find what works for your scenario.
== Archival ==
* Minimum
=== OntoPortal Virtual Appliance v2.5 archive is available ===
** 2 CPU (2 GHz)
** 4GB RAM
** Hard disk space: 20GB
* Recommended for heavier usage
For previous registered users of the v2.5 OntoPortal Virtual Appliance, we maintain an archival copy of this software on our site. While we do not actively support this version because its libraries are outdated, we still make it available to those users who were previously authorized to use it. All new users of the Virtual Appliance should use Version 3 or later of the Appliance.
** 4 CPU (3 GHz)
** 8GB RAM
** Hard disk space: 20GB (or more depending on number/size of ontologies)
== Image Format and Operating System Details ==
The OntoPortal Virtual Appliance is the (rebranded) update of the BioPortal Virtual Appliance originally developed by the National Center for Biomedical Ontologies (NCBO). Our current Virtual Appliance software is based on BioPortal's v5.x software infrastructure, including the use of an RDF triplestore as the primary data storage mechanism.
The NCBO Appliance image was created using the [http://www.vmware.com/appliances/getting-started/learn/ovf.html Open Virtualization Format], which should allow the machine to be used in a variety of environments.
The operating system is CentOS 6.5 64-bit running:
=== Even older archive ===
*Tomcat 6.0.26
*Solr 4.7.2
*Java 7
*MySQL 5.1.x
*Rails 2.3.x
*Ruby 2.0.0p353
*redis 2.6.14
*nginx 1.6.0
For documentation of previous (v1.0) Virtual Appliances, please see our [http://www.bioontology.org/wiki/index.php?title=Category:NCBO_Virtual_Appliance&oldid=12610 archive].
The following applications use these services/runtime environments:
* Sinatra, Ruby, 4store, redis
** Ontologies API
** Annotator
** Recommender
* Rails, Ruby, memcached, mysql
** BioPortal Web User Interface (including ontology visualization, Flex widgets, biomixer, Annotator)
* Tomcat, Solr
** Search index
== Basic System Administration ==
* Most of our administration scripts and build environment assume that you will be running as the root user.
* Helper commands:
** <code>bpstart</code>: the required services are started on boot automatically, but if they need to be started automatically
** <code>bpstop</code>: manually stop services
** <code>bprestart</code>: manually start/stop services
* Start individual services:
** <code>/sbin/service httpd start</code>
** <code>/sbin/service memcached start</code>
** <code>/sbin/service tomcat6 start</code>
** <code>/sbin/service mgrep start</code>
** <code>/sbin/service 4s-httpd-ontologies_api start</code>
** <code>/sbin/service unicorn start</code>
* Stop individual services:
** <code>/sbin/service httpd stop</code>
** <code>/sbin/service memcached stop</code>
** <code>/sbin/service tomcat6 stop</code>
** <code>/sbin/service mgrep stop</code>
** <code>/sbin/service 4s-httpd-ontologies_api stop</code>
** <code>/sbin/service unicorn stop</code>
== License ==
All NCBO software is released with the 2-clause BSD license. Source code is included on the Virtual Appliance.

Latest revision as of 17:23, 12 June 2020

Most of this content has been moved! Please find the new content for the 3.0 version of the Virtual Appliance at our new OntoPortal Virtual Appliance Administration pages.

OntoPortal Virtual Appliance Version 3.0 is here!

We are pleased to softly announce our soft release of the OntoPortal Virtual Appliance version 3.0 (3.0.1, to be precise).

This release includes lots of new capabilities, one of which involves licensing. The good news is that you can download and get started with your Virtual Appliance right away—no need to wait for us to give you access to the right page.

In order to do this, we had to implement licensing for BioPortal. Most users will find it trivial to obtain a free license, but for commercial users we are evaluating whether license fees could make BioPortal more sustainable.

To learn more about the new OntoPortal Virtual Appliance release, visit our Getting Started page. You may also want to visit our OntoPortal Administration Guide, including the General Introduction, Licensing, and Installation sections.

Virtual Appliance Administration Documentation: Moved to GitHub

Our Administration documentation for the OntoPortal Virtual Appliance has been moved to the GitHub pages document at https://ontoportal.github.io/administration/.


OntoPortal Virtual Appliance v2.5 archive is available

For previous registered users of the v2.5 OntoPortal Virtual Appliance, we maintain an archival copy of this software on our site. While we do not actively support this version because its libraries are outdated, we still make it available to those users who were previously authorized to use it. All new users of the Virtual Appliance should use Version 3 or later of the Appliance.

The OntoPortal Virtual Appliance is the (rebranded) update of the BioPortal Virtual Appliance originally developed by the National Center for Biomedical Ontologies (NCBO). Our current Virtual Appliance software is based on BioPortal's v5.x software infrastructure, including the use of an RDF triplestore as the primary data storage mechanism.

Even older archive

For documentation of previous (v1.0) Virtual Appliances, please see our archive.


This category has only the following subcategory.