Ontology and Cellular Networks
General Information
The National Center for Biomedical Ontology will host a two-day workshop focused on ontology and cellular networks on October 30-31, 2007 in Newark, NJ. The meeting will be organized jointly with the MagNet Center for Multiscale Analysis of Genetic and Cellular Networks.
The goals of this workshop are:
- 1. to bring together those in the various NCBCs and in related organizations with an interest in ontology
- 2. to provide an introduction to the basic tools and methods of ontology
- 3. to advance the work of the Scientific Ontology SWIG
- 4. to take the first steps towards developing an ontology of cellular networks.
Tuesday October 30
- 8.30am Registration and Continental Breakfast
- 9am Participant Self-Introductions
Session I: Overview of NCBC Collaborative Work in Ontology
- Moderator: Peter Lyster (NIH/NIGMS)
- 9.15am David States (NAMIC)
- 10.00am Chris Mungall (NCBO)
- 11.15am Coffee
- 11.30am Aris Floratos (MAGNET
Representatives from other NCBCs
- 12.45pm Lunch Break
Session II: Ontologies for Cellular Networks (Part 1)
- Moderator: Andrea Califano (MAGNET, Columbia University)
- 2.00pm Barry Smith (NCBO): A Vision for the Future of Biomedical Ontology
- 2.45pm Lindsay Cowell (Duke): The Cell Ontology
- 3.30pm Coffee
- 4.00pm Yves Lussier (MAGNET)
- 4.30pm Aris Floratos (MAGNET, Columbia University): BISON - The Bioinformatics Interface Structured Ontology
- 5.00pm Balaji S. Srinivasan (Stanford): Automatic Population of a Network Ontology
Wednesday October 31
- 8.30am Continental Breakfast
Session III: Scientific Ontologies
- Moderator: Zak Kohane (i2b2)
- 9am
- 10.30am Coffee
- 11.00am
- 12.45pm Lunch Break
Session IV: Ontologies for Cellular Networks (Part 2)
- 2.00pm Alan Ruttenberg (Science Commons): The Ontology of Networks and Pathways - An Overview
- 3.00pm TBD
- 4.00pm Meeting Closes
Participants (Provisional List)
Robert Arp - NCBO, Buffalo, NY
Michael Ashburner - NCBO, Cambridge University Department of Genetics
Brian Athey - NCIBI, University of Michigan
Ed Barbour - Rockefeller University
Andrea Califano - MagNet, Columbia University, NY
Kei Cheung - Yale, CT
Lindsay Cowell - Duke University
Nick Khazanov - Rockefeller University
Isaac Kohane - i2b2 / Harvard University
Natasha Lenkova - Rockefeller University
Suzanna Lewis - NCBO, Berkeley, CA
Peter Lyster - NIH/NIGMS
Yves Lussier - MagNet, University of Chicago, IL
Avi Ma'ayan - Department of Pharmacology & Systems Therapeutics, Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Chris Mungall -- NCBO, Berkeley, CA
[Representative] - PharmGKB, Stanford, CA
Alan Ruttenberg - Science Commons, Boston, MA
Nigam Shah - NCBO, Stanford, CA
Karen Skinner - NIH/NIDA
Barry Smith - NCBO, Buffalo, NY
Balaji S. Srinivasan - PharmGKB, Stanford, CA
David States + 1 further representative - NCIBI, University of Michigan
Ross Whitaker - NA-MIC, Utah
Hilton Hotel Newark Airport A block of rooms has been set aside for early registrants.