Annotator User Guide
Sample HTTP Client for the Annotator Restlet
Service endpoint
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Restlet Service Parameters
The Annotator Restlet service offers a set of parameters that allows a user to customize the annotator work flow and filter the result. To customize the work flow and the result, the user can specify a set of ontologies and a specific set of semantic types. Plus, the two steps of the annotation work flow can be parametrized.
The Annotator Restlet service level agreement (e.g., response time) depends on the selected components as each consumes resources at a different level. For example, the is_a transitive closure takes a long time to process, even when using a pre-computed hierarchy table. As another example, an annotation with wholeWordOnly=false will be significantly longer that with wholeWordOnly=true.
Please see below for the list of parameters and the possible values.
longestOnly | {true, false} | default: false | Specifies either or not the concept recognition step (done with University of Michigan Mgrep tool) must match the longest words only if they are several concepts that match to an expression.
wholeWordOnly | {true, false} | default: true | Specifies whether the concept recognition step must match whole words only or not, if they are several concepts that match to a given word.
stopWords | {stopWord1,...,stopWordN} | default: empty (i.e. none) | Specifies the list of stop words to use. |
withDefaultStopWords | {true, false} | default: false | Specifies whether to use stop words or not. The default stop word list are available from sample HTML page. If set to true, this override the value of stopWords given by the user. |
scored | {true, false} | default: true | Specifies either or not the annotations are scored. A score is a number assigned to an annotation that reflects the accuracy of the annotation. The higher the score is the better the annotation is. The scoring algorithm gives a specific weight to an annotation according to the context of this annotation. For instance, an annotation done by matching a concept preferred name will be given a higher weight than an annotation done by matching a concept synonym or than an annotation done with a parent level 3 in the is_a hierarchy. Details on the scoring algorithm are given in section Scoring algorithm.
ontologiesToExpand | {localOntology1,...,localOntologyN} | default: empty (i.e. all ontologies) | Specifies the list of ontologies to use to expand in the annotation process. The list of ontologies that can be used is available in the sample HTML page. The values are separated with comma (without spaces)
ontologiesToKeepInResult | {localOntology1,...,localOntologyN} | default: empty (i.e. all ontologies) | Specifies the list of ontologies you want to filter in the result from the annotation process. The list of ontologies that can be used is available in the sample HTML page. The values are separated with comma (without spaces)
semanticTypes | {semanticType1,...,semanticTypeN} | default: empty (i.e. all semanticTypes) | Specifies the list of semantic types to use in the annotation process. The list of semantic types that can be used is available at the /obs/semanticTypes URL. Note that the restriction to semantic types is also applied during the semantic expansion steps.
levelMax | {integer} | default: 0 | Specifies the minimum (resp. maximum) level a parent concept must have to be considered for the is_a semantic closure expansion step.
mappingTypes | {null,mappingType1,...,mappingTypeN} | default: empty (i.e. all mappingTypes) | Specifies the list of mapping type to use during the mapping expansion step. The list of rmapping types that can be used is available at the /obs/mappingTypes URL. The current list is described in section Mapping types.
textToAnnotate | Specifies the text to be annotated | ||
format | {xml,text,tabDelimited} | default: xml | Specifies the desired format of the response from Annotator Restlet. |
Web Service Response
ObaResultBean is the main object returned by the Annotator Web service. text refers to the piece of text originally sent to the service, while resultID identifies the result. The properties annotations, dictionary, ontologies and statistics and parameters are defined hereafter. There are three different format for the response as shown as following.
response format
xml | returns XML representation of the annotatorResultBean. |
text | returns plain text representation of the annotatorResultBean. |
tabDelimited | shorter version of "Text" format. returns not the full result content but the annotations only (no statistics, etc.). The format of the tab delimited file is: score \t conceptId \t preferredName \t synonyms (separated by ' /// ') \t semanticType (separated by ' /// ') \t contextName \t isDirect \t other context information (e.g., childConceptID, mappedConceptID, level, mappingType) (separated by ' /// '). |
resultID | |||||||||||||
dictionary | Dictionary contains the metadata (not the content) of the dictionary used for a result. dictionaryID, dictionaryName, and dictionaryDate identify the dictionary on the server side and give information about its content. Dictionary versioning is strongly linked to the evolution of the ontologies used. Each time ontologies change, the dictionary is updated. All the dictionary information may be useful for comparing results of the Annotator Restlet service on time. | ||||||||||||
statistics | Statistics contains information on the number of annotations done for a given context. The contextName keyword identifies the type of context and nbAnnotation is the number of annotations of this type. | ||||||||||||
parameters | Parameters summarizes all the parameters specified by the user when requesting the Annotator Restlet service. Those parameters are described in section Service parameters | ||||||||||||
ontologies | Ontology is a representation of an ontology in the Annotator Restlet service ontology model represented in Figure 1. To keep the model simple, we provide only the global ontology identifier, localOntologyID the name (ontologyName) and version (ontologyVersion). This information come from the original repositories (UMLS/BioPortal) and might help the user to select the right ontology to use. When an ontology is used in the annotation, a result has a set of OntologyUsed which specify 2 other properties: nbAnnotation, the number of annotation that have been made with concepts from this ontology. score, the sum of all the scores of the annotations done with concepts from this ontology (if parameter scored=true). Therefore, score represents the most accurate ontology to annotate the given text. | ||||||||||||
annotations | Annotation is a representation of one annotation. An annotation has a score which represents the accuracy of the annotation computed by the scoring algorithm (if the scored=true parameter was chosen, otherwise score=-1). An annotation is done with a concept in a context.