
From NCBO Wiki
Revision as of 16:43, 14 July 2009 by Whetzel (talk | contribs)
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The venue for the Conference is the Buffalo Marriott Niagara hotel (1340 Millersport Highway, Amherst, NY), which is located at the intersection of Millersport Highway and Flint Road near the southern boundary of the University at Buffalo North Campus, where the Tutorials and Classes will be held. A campus area map can be found here. Room locations for Tutorials and Classes are listed here.

Saturday's poster session, reception, dinner banquet and keynote lecture will be held at the Center for Tomorrow, which is a short walking distance from the Marriott and from the Flint Road hotels.

For information regarding accommodation see here.

Conference Office

From July 20-23 (8.30am to 3pm) the conference office will be in 135 Park Hall on the University North Campus[1]. During this period only, the emergency telephone number is (716) 432-8676.

From July 24-26 (8am to 5pm) the conference office will be in the Marriott Hotel (716) 689-6900 (ask for 'ICBO Conference/Ballrooms 1-4). Emergency telephone number is (716) 866-6493.

Registration and Internet Access

Participation in tutorials and classes is by pre-registration only. During the period July 20-23 maps and instructions for campus wifi access can be obtained from the conference office. In order to obtain access, updated anti-virus software must be installed on all machines.

The registration desk for the ICBO conference will be located in the Marriott Hotel (Ballrooms 1-4). It will be open beginning at 7:45am on July 24, and will provide conference materials, including your ICBO name badge, which is required in order to gain admission to all conference events, including meals.

Wifi access will be available in the conference room to all ICBO participants.


Recommended poster size is 36" x 48". Maximum size is 48" x 48". Display boards and pins will be provided.

There will be two poster sessions, divided according to the initial letter of the first author's last name (A-L and M-Z, on July 24 and 25, respectively).

Session 1 posters should be mounted on the display boards in the Marriott Hotel ICBO Conference Room before 1pm on July 24. They must be taken down before noon on July 25.

Session 2 posters should be mounted on the display boards in the Center for Tomorrow between 4:30pm and 5pm on July 25. They must be taken down before 9pm on the same day.

Posters not taken down will not be returned to their authors.

Software Demo

ICBO Jobs Service

We continue to receive notifications of employment opportunities. Potential employers are encouraged to submit further job notifications to Leonard Jacuzzo.

A message board will be available at the conference venue for posting of last minute notifications and for arranging on-site interviews.

Niagara Falls Excursion

We are assembling ad hoc groups of those interested in excursions to Niagara Falls on the afternoon of Tuesday July 21. Those wishing to participate should write ON OR BEFORE JULY 19 to Leonard Jacuzzo, indicating availability of rental car or other transport and willingness to serve as driver.

Area Restaurants

See Bill Rapaport's Buffalo Restaurant Guide.