Google Analytics
Revision as of 15:23, 6 March 2016 by Vemonet (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Category:NCBO Virtual Appliance = Adding Google Analytics to the BioPortal Appliance = == Google developer account == The Google API to process our website data. Create...")
Adding Google Analytics to the BioPortal Appliance
Google developer account
The Google API to process our website data. Create an account at
- Create an account
- Generate credentials (p12 key & email) and save it for later
- API Manager > Credentials > Add credentials > Service account
- Note: default password of the p12 keys is notasecret
- Enable Analytics API
- API Manager > Overview > Advertising APIs > Analytics API
- Copy p12 keys to the appliance (in the /srv directory for example)
- Example: scp mybioportal-ffad56jdic91ky.p12 my_bioportal_va:/srv/
Google analytics account
Get our website data. Create an account at
- Create an account
- Add the "tracking ID" of this account in /srv/rails/BioPortal/current/config/bioportal_config_production.rb
- Example: `$ANALYTICS_ID = "UA-63691424-3"`
- Give permission to your developer credential (previously generated at the console.developer step) to be able to retrieve the data
- Admin tab > Property (in general, it is the website your doing analytics on) > User Management
- Add permissions for the google developer credential email (generated in the previous section)
- Add in /srv/ncbo/ontologies_api/current/config/environments/appliance.rb & /srv/ncbo/ncbo_cron/config/appliance.rb
LinkedData.config do |config|
config.enable_ontology_analytics = true
NcboCron.config do |config|
config.enable_ontology_analytics = true
config.cron_ontology_analytics = "30 */4 * * *"
# Google Analytics config
config.analytics_service_account_email_address = "" # The email address you get when creating the google developer account
config.analytics_path_to_key_file = "/srv/agroportal-ffad56jdic91ky.p12" # you have to get this file from the first step
config.analytics_profile_id = "ga:111821946" # replace with your ga view id
config.analytics_app_name = "mybioportal"
config.analytics_app_version = "1.0.0"
config.analytics_start_date = "2015-10-01"
config.analytics_filter_str = ""
Tests using API explorer
id = ga:111821946
start-date = 30daysAgo
end-date = yesterday
metrics = ga:pageviews
dimensions = ga:pagePath,ga:year,ga:month
Removing Analytics from UI
- In /srv/rails/BioPortal/current/app/views/home/index.html.haml add:
display: none;
%fieldset{style: "display: none;"}
Ontology Visits #{"in full #{$SITE} " if at_slice?} (#{"%B %Y")})
- In /srv/rails/BioPortal/current/app/views/ontologies/_visits.html.haml add:
#visits_content{:style => "margin: 2em 1em 0;"}