We have a lot to share, but today we have to focus. We want to get the word out about an upcoming maintenance period (this weekend!), but there are so many reasons for it… Well, let’s get the notification out first.
This weekend and next week we plan to make some minor modifications under the BioPortal hood. If things go well, you won’t even know anything has changed. We’ll start after 9 PM (GMT-7) Saturday, and the only thing you might notice is a job or UI going down for a minute or two. Or not even that. Once that’s taken care of, a few changes to the UI will follow, likely Tuesday morning. (You won’t see most of those either, they’re on the Admin pages.)
So why do this—and use up your valuable reading time? We’ve been working on several significant projects for quite a while, as part of our overall strategic plan. The first release for some of these changes will be most visible in our OntoPortal Virtual Appliance, long overdue for a new release [1]. But to keep BioPortal and OntoPortal code aligned (more on that later)[2], we’re also updating the production system—what you see and use.
In a worst case scenario this weekend, we might need a few hours of down time on Sunday to identify and address issues. (Just wanted to let you know what was up in case that happened.) But in coming days, weeks, and months, you’ll see more announcements on social media for BioPortal, and our partner organizations. [3]
Thanks for your patience! We look forward to the enhancements coming your way.

[1] That’s a hint. The release really is coming soon.
[2] Another hint: There are technical implications of [3]. More soon!
[3] Have you heard about the OntoPortal Alliance yet?
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