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Extract Mappings - Sample code
#!/usr/bin/perl ############################################################# # DESCRIPTION: Code to extract mapping data from # BioPortal(http://bioportal.bioontology.org). # # NOTE: The Web services used in this code are prototype # services and will change. Subscribe to the bioportal-announce # mailing list (https://mailman.stanford.edu/mailman/listinfo/bioportal-announce) # to be notified of changes in this Web service. # # USAGE: perl extract_mappings.pl > outputfile.txt # # AUTHOR: Trish Whetzel (support@bioontology.org) # DATE: Tue Oct 27 18:55:06 PDT 2009 ############################################################# use LWP::UserAgent; use XML::LibXML; use strict; use warnings; # Declare variables my ($ontology_id, $term_id, $term, $ontology, $dest_ontology_id, $dest_ontology, $dest_term_id, $dest_term, $user_id); # Main method get_mappings(); # Subroutines sub get_mappings { my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent; # make request # NOTE: ontology id is hard-coded, the ontology id can be found from the web interface ontology metadata page or # the web service http://rest.bioontology.org/bioportal/ontologies?email=example@example.org my $req = new HTTP::Request GET => 'http://bioportal.bioontology.org/mappings/service/1430/?email=bioportal-mapping'; #1023 $req->content_type('application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); # send request and get response. my $res = $ua->request($req); # If you want to get a large result. It is better to write to a file directly. # my $res = $ua->request($req,'file_name.txt'); # Check the outcome of the response if ( $res->is_success ) { print STDERR "Call successful\n"; # read XML file my $parser = XML::LibXML->new(); my $xml = $parser->parse_string( $res->decoded_content ); my $num_of_responses = 0; # print output foreach my $mappingBlock ( $xml->findnodes('hash/mapping-from/mapping-from') ) { my ($source) = $mappingBlock->findnodes('./source-ont'); my ($ontology_name) = $mappingBlock->findnodes('./source-ont-name'); my ($source_id) = $mappingBlock->findnodes('./source-id'); my ($source_name) = $mappingBlock->findnodes('./source-name'); my ($id) = $mappingBlock->findnodes('./user-id'); my ($dest_ont) = $mappingBlock->findnodes('./destination-ont'); my ($dest_ontology_name) = $mappingBlock->findnodes('./destination-ont-name'); my ($dest_source_id) = $mappingBlock->findnodes('./destination-id'); my ($dest_source_name) = $mappingBlock->findnodes('./destination-name'); $ontology_id = $source->to_literal; $ontology = $ontology_name->to_literal; $term_id = $source_id->to_literal; $term = $source_name->to_literal; $user_id = $id->to_literal; $dest_ontology_id = $dest_ont->to_literal; $dest_ontology = $dest_ontology_name->to_literal; $dest_term_id = $dest_source_id->to_literal; $dest_term = $dest_source_name->to_literal; #add line to check if mapping is to a specific ontology my $ontology_id_of_interest = '1341'; my $user_of_interest = ''; if ($dest_ontology_id == $ontology_id_of_interest) { #} && $user_id == $user_of_interest) { #use for mapping-from #if ($ontology_id == $ontology_id_of_interest && $user_id == $user_of_interest) { #use for mapping-to $num_of_responses++; print ("$num_of_responses: S: $ontology_id, D: $dest_ontology_id; S: $ontology, D: $dest_ontology; S: $term_id, D: $dest_term_id; S: $term, D: $dest_term \n"); } # For testing script else { #print STDERR ("**Not mapped to ontol of interest: $ontology_id_of_interest\t - $ontology_id, $ontology, $term_id, $term, $dest_ontology_id, $dest_ontology, $dest_term_id, $dest_term \n"); } } } }